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1944 | 1945 | 1946| Years After | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January - Part 1| January - Part 2 | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October-December | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lt R M Marshall, USMCR Marine Aircraft, S. Pacific Flight Echelon, VMF-216 Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Cal. April 1 Dear Mrs. Kemper,
There seems to be a lot of stories going around that have no basis of truth. To my knowledge neither Guy nor Captain Faulkner have been found. I'm sure the squadron would know if any word has been received from them. I can't understand why any one would publish or broadcast things like that because they only build up false hope. If we hear any good news I will pass it on to you as soon as possible. Until then all any of us can do is hope. Our tour this time was almost boring. Air opposition in this area has been destroyed so all we did was fly patrols. One pilot did find a stray Zero making our score twenty six. It seems like we are doomed not to have th eluck other squadrons here have had. I have heard that Tim Holt* was killed in a crack up at El Centro. I really hate to hear it. He, Guy, and I ran around together at El Centro and had all planned a big time when we got home. Today I received a nice letter from Mrs. Faulkner and another from Mr. Faulkner. They both seem to be in much better spirits than when I last heard from them. I'm only glad to hear from all of you but if my letters are few and far between please forgive me. There is still a war on that keeps me busy even if I am not seeing much action. Must close now and answer some more letters. I hope this finds you in good health and spirit. Sincerely Bob M. * This is the same Tim Holt, the actor, who appeared in "Treasure of The Sierra Madre" with Humphrey Bogart and John Huston, and other films. Guy and Marshall were good friends with Holt but Marshall did, in fact, receive erroneous information as Tim Holt did not pass away until 1973. |
Rt. 3, Box 91 Chehalis Wed. Night My dear Mrs. Kemper--
I received your letter Monday when I returned from Seattle and I was delighted to hear from you again. Thanks so much for all the interesting letters that you sent to Me. I have been busy ever since copying them for my scrapbook. I do wish that Bill could write letters like that, but I suppose that few are gifted with the ability to write really interesting letters. He is afraid that he will say something that the censors won't pass. Then too, he is rather unimaginative and he just doesn't think we would be interested in the grim details. I haven't heard from him in about a week, except for a card that was written in Austrailia and mailed after he returned to his home base--Espirito Santos. He just said that he was having a grand rest, getting lots to eat, and had bought loads of souveniers. I'm so glad that they got leave, 'cause I'm sure they needed it after the rugged battle they had on Bougainville. His last letter sounded desperately tired. I heard a newscast yesterday that said that the Solomons were definitely ours now and would no longer be considered part of the combat area. So--I suppose that 217 will be moving farther in. It will probably take me months to figure out where he is and then when I do, he will write and say that he is moving. It keeps me busy trying to keep up with him Thank you so much for sending me the map of Bougainville. I have a large one the size of a newspaper page, but it was made in November and quite a bit of it is obsolete now. Please don't say that ---"IF Guy is alive". I just feel sure that he is. I don't know why I do, but my hunches usually work out and I just know that Guy is still alive somewhere. If you remember, they are still finding survivors of the USS Houston and that was sunk long ago. So--don't give up hope. I firmly believe in miracles and always have. I do wish you could be out here in Washington now. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The trip down from Seattle Sunday afternoon was wonderful. All along the way, I saw trees covered with white and pink blossoms, heather in bloom, and the mountains covered with snow and huge fir trees. I just sit and gape all the time at the mountains. They are such a change after the flat plains of Texas. But I still like Texas better than any other state and I always will. The article that was written in the McMurry paper surely was nice, wasn't it? I know that you appreciated it. I had no idea that Guy was such an outstanding student. He was so modest that he never mentioned any of it. The past two weeks are sort of an anniversary for me. I met Bill a year ago the 31st of March. It was shortly after that that I met Guy. I'll never forget that night. We were at the Cadet Recreation Center. He sang for us. He surely does have a lovely voice. Poor Bill, tried for months, to learn to sing tenor like Guy, but the attempt sounded so horrible that he finally gave up-- thank Heaven. It is very late and I have to write another letter or two. So--I had better stop for now. Do let me hear from your again. Your letters are so interesting and I enjoy them so much. Affectionately Doris |
Rt. 3, Box 91 Chehalis Dearest Mrs. Kemper -
I had intended for the flowers to arrive on Easter and I still can't understand why they didn't, as I ordered them on Friday and Mother got hers in Corpus Saturday. However, under the circumstances, I'm glad that they were late. I've certainly been lax with my correspondence this week. I usually write four or five letters each day, but I received six letters from Bill this week and I always write very long letters in answer to his. I write every day, but it's much easier to write when I hear from him. You know, sometimes I get awfully worried because it's so hard for me to remember what he looks like and the sound of his voice. I have lots of pictures, of course, but it's hard for me to close my eyes and get a clear picture of him. I wonder why that is? It isn't that I don't love him - for I do - with all my heart, but he just seems so vague - as if he were part of another life. I'm sure I sound like a psychiatric case and really don't know why I'm telling you this, as I've never mentioned it to anyone before. But it has worried me a great deal lately. I'm so afraid that we will be strangers when he comes home to me. We had such a short time to-gether - only four and a half months and, even though they were the very happiest days of my life, I just wonder if we can ever recapture that feeling. I suppose the main thing I'm afraid of is that he'll be changed - will be hard and bitter. And before he left he ws so sweet - just like a little boy, really. His letters sound just the same, but -- Oh, well I guess I've been reading too many stories lately. When Bill wrote his last letters, he was back from his week's leave in Sydney. He said he had a grand rest and had gained eight pounds. He said that they would be sent up north - where I don't know - in about two weeks, which would mean around the 20th. He said that aerial opposition now was practically nil. But - the best news he sent was, that by the end of June, they will be two-thirds through. You'll never know how happy that makes me. When he comes home, we're going to Corpus to see my folks and if you don't mind, we'd like to drop by to meet you and your family. I'm 'specially anxious to see your little granddaughter as I've heard so much about her from Guy. It's late and I must write to Bill. Let me hear from you when you have time. All my love Doris |
April 20, 1944 Dear Maude:
She said Tom wrote his wife about Bro. 5 or 6 weeks ago. Guy was missing in Dec. This Woman in Mingus said the battle started in the air and finished up on land. Any way she said he was taken a prisoner on land during a battle. Alright now this may be just my idea but I think it's a good one and may prove out right. He was forced to land that day and he landed on another island and this was the island Tom was on. Maybe the officers didn't have any way to notify Guy's Co. or before they could another attack took place and then was when Guy was taken prisoner and his shoulder wounded. You know Guy was not trained to be an ordinary soldier and I imagine that is what Tom is. While Guy was there some of them learned Guy's name and that he was from Texas (he might have been there two or three weeks) and then after the battle he was missing and this is why Tom knows it instead of Guy's Co. This woman could tell me how it happened if I ever get back over there. But the most important thing now is to hear from Washington and that it is so (which I am certain). It's all happened as she said so far and I think you'll have to admit that she's plenty good so far. She's so good you can't hardly doubt the rest. She also told me my Marie was going to marry within this six mo. and you know it's been sometime since I was over there. I believe it was the first part or the middle of Feb. I don't know but I'm sure it was a long time before Marie J's birthday. It could have even been the last part of Jan. but anyway it would be between now and July or Aug according to the time I was there. And said he'd be a brunette not a tall polly like Cap. but some taller than Marie and that she'd be in Calif. before the year of 1944 is out. She'd be there with her husband as this is where he'd be stationed. She went with a fellow some while in Abilene and still goes with him and writes to him ... Oh yes I must tell you about the little dog. We buried him last Sat. with a lot of tears and love. Write soon. Love Ida Mae |
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Letter from the Marine Corps |
Sunday, April 23 |
Dorothy Jean and I went to Sunday School and Church -. "Poppie" didn't make it this Sunday – the sleepy head -. After church D.J. and I ate dinner with your folks and had the most enjoyable dinner. Sunday afternoon Howard went to the U.S.O. and served cookies and coffee to the soldiers -. He really had a good time. Yes, Mava was there, too – she has a big time down there entertaining the soldiers – I think she walks down there most everyday -. Poor kid is so lonesome she's got to pass the time away -. When Howard came home I had a big dinner fixed for him he seemed to enjoy it -. Your Mom & Dad went to the country again -. |
Monday, April 24 |
What's Monday – why wash day – of course! So I sent my laundry off -. D.J. and I went to town and I shopped & shopped -. I sent my Dad a little gift for his birthday & Mom one for Easter – better late than never -. I went out to Mrs. Tates' and ate supper -. I got some Texas Bluebonnets and a horned toad out there to send to my cousin in Italy -. Yes, I said horned toad -. So you think I'm crazy – well – confidentially I do too -. I came home & ironed -. Your Mom dreamed about you last night -. She dreamed you came home and how wonderful you looked, etc. She's so thrilled she dreamed about you because she hasn't in a long time -. |
Tuesday, April 25 |
Hurrah! My Istersay sent me the cutest blouse today and some plates to hang on the wall – and D.J. a play suit -. What would I do without my Sister & Mama, huh? I worked today – honest I did – so tomorrow I may play -. Well, well ole Rita Mae Bigony is getting married too June 3. Your Mom wrote to the International Red Cross and asked them to check and see if you were a prisoner of the Japs. Maybe they can tell us something -. She also wrote to Tom Cantrell over on Bougainville that said your were a prisoner maybe he can tell her where he heard it, etc. Gosh! Guy it would be a shame for anything to happened to you – you are too valuable to lose – valuable to us and your country -. |
Wednesday, April 26 |
It's that day again, Red Cross for me and Kiwanis for Howard -. You know Charity doesn't do anything much so – I asked her to go to the Red Cross with me and she didn't much want to but she really enjoyed it -. Guess who called today? Grace Garrett – yes she was anxious to know if we had heard any news from you. Your Mom and D.J. went up and visited with her awhile. She has a son 2 years old. Then your Mom & D.J. went over to your Grandmother's house she was over there cleaning up a little -. A bit of news -. Everyday our bombers bomb Berlin and all over the European continent and there are hundreds of bombers unloading their bombs every day. The numbers are unbelievable. |
Thursday, April 27 |
I had worked 'til 3 A.M. on a scrapbook and, too, kinda waiting for Howard but he didn't come home. When I woke up this morning Howard hadn't come home at all -. I phoned Lloyd Bridges sure enough he & Howard were discussing fish. They are nuts when it comes to fishing. I made a batch of candy for "Poppie". Today was Club day for you Mom -. And by the way your Mom dreamed of you again. Someone will say, "Do you really think Guy will come home?" and you should hear D.J. – she speaks right up - "Why sure when the war is over." I hear it's plenty hot down where Judia & V.J. and Roy are. I just wonder how little old hot natured Judia will stand it -. |
Friday, April 28 |
I fixed up a package for this cousin of mine in Italy and got it off in the morning's mail. I sent him a box of Texas soil, Texas bluebonnets, a horned toad, box of candy, a funny book, some pictures, and western stationery -. I hope he likes the things -. D.J.is sick today her throat again – and cold -. I've kept her in bed all day trying to break it up – but no luck so far -. She had a nightmare in the night – and scared me stiff. Poor little thing screamed out that her bed was full of worms and there was one up in the air going to get on her -. She had a fever when this all took place – she was sick -. I hope she doesn't pull that often -. I can't take it. |
Saturday, April 29 |
Baby is still sick today – it worries me when she's sick -. I made gingerbread and Howard ate all of it after eating a big supper -. It said "16 servings". I made some more and sent it to Horace today – poor fellow – I'm afraid he'll have to go over soon. I sent a little token holder to Ikey for D.J. and some pictures of her and signed D.J.'s name -. I know she will be surprised. Gosh! Those Japs are really in "Hot Water" now – they abandoned Gasmata not so far from Rabaul and have knocked out the air field at Hollandia, New Guinea – and they are bombing Guam, the Kuriles and many more islands – nearer and nearer Japan proper – everyday -. |
Sunday, April 30 |
Your Mom & Dad came by on their way to the ranch and brought D.J. a little gift -. Some real cute pajamas -. She's still sick today she sure hated to miss Sunday school -. Jim Long the night mechanic got drunk – so Howard talked to him for 2 hrs. trying to straighten him out. – then he went out and got drunk 30 min. after Howard talked to him. So Jim Thorp comes by the shop drinking too & he and Jimmy got in a big fight -. Jim T. socks a negro who just walked by. Yesterday a driver was drunk driving a bus and they had to take him off -. Oh! those drunks they make me sick -. It rained off & on all day -. Howard left this evening for the lake to spend the night -. |
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