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1944 | 1945 | 1946| Years After | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January - Part 1| January - Part 2 | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October-December | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() This Mother's Day is a difficult one for Mother having one son lost and another away for training. Letters arrive trom Lt. Mickey Chilton and Doris Nowadnick. |
Sunday, May 14 | ||
Your Mom rose this morning and she couldn't keep her missing son off her mind. I kind of think your Dad was thinking of you too -. He gave your Mom a corsage of Gardenias. He was sick so he stayed in bed most of the morning. Howard gave your Mom material for a new dress and I'm going to make it for her -. Roy didn't write but V.J. did and sent a handkerchief in the letter -. Your Mom took your Grandmother K. to the Victory Bible class at the Queen Theater and then Howard took both of them to St. Paul Methodist Church for church -. Howard ate dinner with them. Then in the evening your Mom took your Grandmother to the Episcopal Church -. They really enjoyed the whole day those two Mom's -. Just think you'll be home next Mother's Day -. | ||
Monday, May 15 | ||
Yesterday was really Mother's Day for me – because you know when a child is sick the first thing they want is their Mother and D.J. vomited all day and had a high fever -. My Mom really looked pretty yesterday, too -. Today Dorothy & I paraded around in shorts and took a sun bath -. You see – us unglamour gals are a tryin' to get a sun tan -. D.J. played mud pies all day – for Dorothy's pet chicken -. We went out to the hospital to see our cousin – she'll be there about 10 days -. I got a long letter from Howard today – he & his Dad are talking about buying a house -. I hope they do -. | ||
Tuesday, May 16 | ||
You remember my cousin Johnny Dublin - well he has the cutest convertible you ever saw – so he and my Aunt drove over to Big Spring today to tell us
Wednesday, May 17 | ||
Howard phoned me yesterday to tell me about a house he was looking at – so I told him to get any house he wanted it was ok by me -. I got a letter from your Mom and it was brim full of things she had been doing. Pap said there were 3 little kittens out at the ranch – so that tickled D.J. -. Now, I didn't do much today – just sewed a little – made D.J. & I shorts alike -. Don't faint my frien' – it's legal -! What? The kind of business our relatives are in -. The worm business or maybe I should say "bait business" -. It does sound better doesn't it -. I understand they are really making money at it, too. It's unusual anyway in this family -. Now we've got every kind of business! | ||
Thursday, May 18 | ||
Good war news today – Cassins fell after months of fighting – and McArthur reports now landing on Wahade Island with few casualties. This airdrome will be used to bomb Japan “very soon” he said -. I forgot to tell you Tues (16th) Charity had a big birthday dinner for Charlie – Uncle Jeff -. There were Mrs. Langford, your Mom, your Grandmother, Howard and your Dad – they all really had a big time -. I think it's nice of her to have Uncle Jeff – poor ole soul he's so lonely -. Now listen Boy, don't you make the mistake of never having any children – because – look at Uncle Jeff -. We don't need to worry – of course the Ouija board is right and it said you would have 4 daughters - !!! Please excuse – my mind wonders! | ||
Friday, May 19 | ||
No news – today – just the same old run of things. Say – I just want to take this time to express an opinion or discuss a certain person. A very dear person to you – and I and every person that knows her – Your Mother -. Hasn't it taken a lot of – courage – nerve to live where she lives – and have her life long friends visit her here – and still remain the same – person – and still hold her head high when she meets these people in their homes and remain on their level -. I'm afraid she's got more than I've – got to do this. And about you – honestly there isn't a braver person anywhere – Guy – you've got to come back – You're the subject of conversation – you're the great part of her life -! | ||
Saturday, May 20 | ||
I don't think I told you that Mr. Redlinger sold the coffee business because of ill health. They sold their home and have planned to leave Abilene. So – today is the day they left. Mr. & Mrs. Redlinger, Mary Catherine and Mr. Allen all boarded the Sunshine Special – for Calif. They plan to live there. They had a compartment so I'm sure they will make the trip fine -. Your Mom helped them pack -. Your Mom & Dad & Howard went to the train with them, they seemed very happy over the change -. Back in Big Spring – we expected Howard to come get us but he didn't come -. Sorta disappointed, too. | ||
May 10, 1944 Dear Mrs. Kemper:
I am back in combat for the third time and should be going home in two or three months if everything goes O.K. this trip. There isn't much going on up here anymore, but there is still plenty of anti-aircraft fire. I had another excellent time in Sydney, but was ready to go back to work when my leave was up. I started my training at Seattle and was then shipped to Pasco, Wash. where I completed my E base training. After that I went to Pensacola where I graduated and received my wings before going to Melbourne. Since then I've seen quite a lot of the country and have had some exciting experiences. You have certainly taken all the bad news like a good soldier. We are always on the lookout for Guy, so don't lose hope. I hope I'll get to meet you some day for you sound just like my mother. Remember it is chins up, & always look for the best. Goodbye for now, it is time to go to work. Sincerely, Mickey |
At Home May 15, 1944 My dear Mrs. Kemper -
First of all, let me apologize for that last letter of mine. It was horribly morbid and I'm ashamed of having added any more to your load. It was just one of my days of self-pity. I'm afraid I'm not a very good war wife 'cause I'm too apt to sink into a study in blue. However, ordinarily I'm cheerful and optimistic. Naturally, I'm lonely for Bill, but I'm not unhappy because we do love each other so very much and some day all of this will be just a bad dream. Then, too, it's so heavenly to think of what our life will be like when he comes home and we're able to start our family. I'm awfully anxious for you to meet him, Mrs. Kemper. He's the dearest, kindest, sweetest person a girl could love and I thank the Good Lord every day that I'm fortunate enough to be married to him. I got one of the biggest thrills of my life yesterday. Bill has a brother who is in the Army in Texas. Sometime ago he sent Dick, the brother, some money and told him to wire me some flowers on Mother's Day. And yesterday, a friend of ours, who owns the local flower shop, came out with a dozen long-stemmed red roses. They are absolutely beautiful and I've never been so happy over anything in all my life. He sent his Mother a some yellow roses (her favorites.) So - we have flowers everywhere. But that's the kind of person he is. People tell me that he'll get over it in time, but I don't think so. He's just kind and thoughtful and always will be. I got six letters from Bill to-day. He's still in the New Hebrides on Espiritu Santos and doesn't know when he will leave. He says they've been given new planes and lots of ammunition for their pistols and carbines. He says there's something in the wind and things will really start popping soon. You should see me out here. I've never even visited on a farm 'til I moved here. But - I'm rapidly becoming a farm hand. Our mare has a colt about two months old and I spend most of my time playing with the colt. We're getting 2100 turkeys tomorrow and we already have over 4,000. So - bedlam will reign supreme until these grow a bit. I don't help with the turkeys, but I keep house. And for a girl who had never done anything, that's no small task, as this is a two-story eight room house. But - I don't mind because it keeps me busy and makes the time fly by. Well - it's almost two o'clock and I must write to Bill. To-day is his birthday. He's 23. Do write when you have time. Your letters are such a comfort to me. My love to you and yours Doris |
Sunday, May 21 | ||
Here at home Howard drove your Mom to Cisco -. Yes sir, she is going to see Frank get his wings with Ray & Etta. Here is something -. Your Dad attended church at the Episcopal Church all alone -. They had a special service for Men in the Service – and presented new song books with names of service men on each. Your name is on one -. Wasn't that nice -? In Big Spring – I was puny you know – I'm your puny sister – anyway – Dorothy went to church -. Dad said his Sunday School class bought more war bonds for McMurry. Well, that's all and there just ain't any more -. | ||
Monday, May 22 | ||
Your Mom, Ray & Etta left for Victoria – to see Frank graduate tomorrow -. Ray is sure proud – of Frank. I guess you knew – or figured they might be -. Aunt Ikey, Ray & Etta – don't speak -. They got mad at each other over practically nothing – as usual -. They'll be speaking next time you hear from them probably. I got a letter from Ikey – she is sick in bed and has been for a week. She thinks she has some sort of rheumatism her hands are so swollen -. I got a letter from Howard and it will be several days before he can come and get us -. There is a booming bus business really – business has really picked up this month. | ||
Tuesday, May 23 | ||
Out here in Big Spring we went riding – and stopped at the USO to watch them dance – Remember I told you about my "Flit – gun" for asthma?
Wednesday, May 24 | ||
Your Mom is in Cisco today with Ikey – and you could never guess where they went. To the fortune teller at Mingus. Let me tell you a little about what happened -. Ikey let your Mom out about a block from the fortune teller's house and your Mom walked down -. When she started telling her things – she said – "Someone let you out and you walked down here – no one knows you are coming here – except this person". All true. She told your Mom all about herself – and it fit her perfectly – then she said I see someone missing in action, a brother – he has a shoulder wound but he will come back -! She said I see 2 brothers -. Your Mom said she guessed she meant you three boys because you all had been more like brothers than sons – to her. I will tell you more later. | ||
Thursday, May 25 | ||
Dorothy, D.J. & I went to Midland today – to try to find D.J. some shoes – and we found them alright -. Thank goodness – that's a relief now I know she can wear white shoes a while longer -. We visited with relatives and headed for home -. Back home – Ikey was down to get her glasses and she & your Mom visited and Ikey gossiped about the Ray Judias -. They don't speak at the present – you know they go through that every few months -. Howard phoned Mother that he & your Mom would come get us about 8:00 this evening. When we got back from Midland I packed -. It was a hard trip home it rained so hard we could hardly see the road. We all were dead tired and ready to hit the hay – when we got home. | ||
Friday, May 26 | ||
It rained all day long and we really didn't need it we've nearly had too much rain -. But such is life -. Say – I didn't tell you the war department notified Mrs. Anderson that Dopey had been wounded in action. She hasn't heard from him in several weeks now and she is really worried -. I'm anxious to hear how he is -. Say, Johnny Dublin sent D.J. the cutest Indian ring from Santa Fe, New Mexico -. She's really proud of it - . And say, I'd like to mention D.J. still wears the little locket you gave her and has worn it nearly constantly since she received it -. Only now it has Poppie's picture inside and yours, too -. Howse that? Okay, huh? | ||
Saturday, May 27 | ||
Here's an unusual subject to start off with – "The weather". Yes – one can always talk about the weather -. It rained again -. All that build up & just to tell you it rained. I worked around the house and Poppie Howard worked on the chickens -. Your Mom – just lingered around home all day -. Now more about the fortune teller. She described me to her perfectly and said I had lived in her home at one time -. She said I see you have one son and two daughters -. She was talking about D.J., Howard, and I – because we were her only children in Abilene at the time -. She described Howard perfectly – discussed his operation – told her what kind of an operation he was going to have how long he had been in this condition -. Your Mom thinks she's wonderful. | ||
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D.J., Stewart and Vic Gillett, and A.J. Hoover, Jr. ride in the Packard rumble seat. |
Sunday, May 28 |
Dorothy Jean and I went to Sunday School and Church then went by your Mom's -. I felt so - - - - puny (asthma) today I guess I should have stayed home in bed – but I hate to disappoint D.J. We ate dinner with your folks. Your Dad & Uncle Jeff went to the country -. We went out to Hope's – to the Gillett family they are here on the way to Waco – they are considering moving there -. We made the kid's picture, took them riding in the rumble seat and bought them soda pop -. They really had a big time -. You know Stewart is kinda fond of D.J. Late in the evening there were about 14 or 15 Kempers & etc. – all gathered out there -. Did your ears burn -? We talked about you! |
Monday, May 29 |
I cleaned house today and cooked a big dinner -. We had chicken yes sir right out of our own back yard -. Your Mom & Dad went to the country they said our garden was all standing in water -. Say maybe we should have planted Rice -! Guess who phoned – J. E. Newby – yes – an ole married man now –. He & his wife were just passing through on their way to the base. Did I tell you they reported on the radio tonight that we have sunk 558 Jap ships since the beginning of the war -. Pretty good – eh! When our boys captured Japs on Mo hur Island they told our boys the land you could see in the distance was San Francisco – (New Guinea). Poor ignorant creatures were misled sorta – don't you think -. |
Tuesday,May 30 |
Like all good country folks – your Mom & Dad went to the country to see about the garden, etc. -. Did I ever tell you I'm keeping a newspaper scrapbook -. Yes sir all important news items go into a book -. It's real interesting to read back through. You could never guess what Howard is doing now -. He is painting – yes bus No. 21 -. It sure is going to look better -. He has ordered paint enough to paint all the buses over -. It will sure make them look better. That's what those buses have been needing for a long time -. Some new coats -. Say with those new coats (of paint) those Abilene View might give our buses the wolf whistle -! Silly isn't it !?! |
Wednesday, May 31 |
ToDAY is the Birthday of Horace Garrett – |
Big Flat Arkansas Dear Guy: Your pop has a good job now, the first he has had in 40 years. We 'air a great deal better off now than we 'wer. Your Paw gets $14.95 every Thursday so we thought we would do a little fixin' up. We sent to a mail order house for one of them new fangled things they call bath rooms like you hear tell about in some homes. In one side of the room is a big long thing like hogs drink out of but it is too high for pigs to reach only. Over on the other side of the room is a little thing ya wash your hands & face in but over in the other corner now we really have something thar. This darn thing ya put one foot in, wash it clean then pull a chain and get fresh water for the other foot. They sent two lids with the darn thing we ain't got no use for so I'm usin' one for a bread board and the other we framed Grampa's picture in. They's awful nice 'pepul they sent us a free roll of writtin' paper with it -. Your Ma P.S. Son replied that he was coming home on furlough. Mother answered "Don't do it, Son, ride the bus." |
Rt. 3, Box 91 Chehalis, Wash. Wed. Nite My dear Mrs. Kemper -
For the past three days, we have been getting rid of 1700 breeder hens. I didn't help with the turkeys, but I did cook all the meals and keep house. I even went so far as to make a lemon meringue pie. It was the first pie I've ever made and was surprisingly good. I'm afraid my family didn't have me very well trained for domesticity - as we had had the same old negro woman for us since before I was born. That is, she worked for my grandmother and I've lived most of my life with her. I just received four letters from Bill to-day. I'm not sure but I think he has moved to another theater. He said that he had sent his foot locker home with gear in it that he didn't need. He's also sending me some souveniers - among them, a coral necklace and a grass skirt. He has also sent another box from Sydney. So - I should have quite a collection by the time he gets through. Your ranch sounds more like a ranch than the ones out here. I'm forever amazed at the "ranches" out here. A big ranch to these people is about 250 or 300 acres and that doesn't even sound like a big farm to me. It surely does my heart good to hear you say that you and your husband are still sweethearts after twenty-five years. You see, I've a lot to prove to myself and others. My mother and father were divorced when I was five. Since then, my mother has remarried and my father has been remarried twice. So - I really don't have a very good record, but I do know that I love Bill dearly and he has made me happier that I've ever been in all my life. So - I'll try even harder than most people to make a success of my marriage. Perhaps 18 was rather young to get married, but I really don't think so. I'm quite a bit older than most girls at the same age because I didn't have much of a childhood. Then too, lots of people have told me that a marriage in war time is a mistake. But - I definitely disagree with that. The love I have for Bill is the kind that comes once in a lifetime. So - no matter what happens in the future we will have had a 4 1/2 months together. And if we hadn't married we wouldn't have had that much. I'm sending you some pictures of Bill and me. They aren't particularly good, but I hope you like them. Write when you feel like it. Affectionately Doris |
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