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1944 | 1945 | 1946| Years After | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January - Part 1 | January - Part 2 | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October-December | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| A letter from Charlie telling of his conversation with Mr. Alexander about the radio broadcast. Letters from Bob Martin and Mrs. Faulkner, and Doris Nowadnick |
Sunday, March 5 |
Tis Sunday and I want to go to church - but no - my dear husband won't go -. We ate dinner down town and went to Phantom Hill Lake. The Lloyd Bridges have a cabin and it sure is nice - we had a grand time - went boat riding in the best looking boat -. Your Mom has Judia this afternoon and they are really having a time. Your Dad has gone to the country. Things are really doing better out there. There are a bunch of cab drivers trying to organize a Union. Oh! Howard is sure being careful who he hires now days. He doesn't want Union Men. They are having trouble with them at the cab companies -. Business is better than it was in Dec. or Jan. Jim has been so lazy but he's working better now. But you know Jim. |
Monday, March 6 |
Today the Red Cross War Fund drive was started. Yes sir, the Red Cross sticker is on our door. Your Dad gave liberally -. We hope some help may come to you through this -. We went to town and V.J. & I ate dinner in town. We shopped all afternoon. We are planning to make D.J. and Judia dresses alike. They'll be cute - don't you think? I have material to make Dorothy Jean and I six "Mother and Daughter" dresses. I hope that won't be over done -. We had a big parade 3 miles long about 5:00. Judia, your Mom, Mr. & Mrs. Fox saw it together. Howard drove an extra bus -. V.J. and I saw it from the top of the underpass. It was grand real impressive. Company after company of the men marched by. A big no. were shipped out to-night. Gosh! I sure hate to see our boys go -. |
Tuesday, March 7 |
There isn't much a happenin' today but I couldn't stay home - all alone - so I went to town. Judia and V.J. are planning to stay a while at your Mom's starting tomorrow. I was over to see your Mom while I was there V.J. & Judia came by they had been visiting. Judia sure is cute. I wish you could see her. It's a shame you & Roy can't see her. Howard and I went by your Mom's - guess who was there - Aunt Faith & Charity & your Grandmother. Charity was trying to sew up some sheets - you can or can you imagine Charity sewing. V.J. and I went out to her house and got their suitcase so they could spend the night. Then we came home - was I ever tired –. |
Wednesday, March 8 |
Well, I guess I've been running around too much - I'm puny and am remaining in bed today. Anyway I had fun while I was running around. Roy wrote he would make a country hop to Abilene soon and he would fly over the bus station - so listen for him. If Howard hears him he will get V.J. & your Mom and run out to the airport he may get to land -. We got a letter from my Dad he had talked to Mr. Alexander again. He said he was sure the man's name was Faulkner and he went on to say that the decorations he received belong to the boys who didn't return and his buddy had made his escape from the Zero's possible -. He said he saw the Zero's disable his buddy's plane which caused him to force land -. I hope we can find out something -. |
Thursday, March 9 |
We just had a phone call from Uncle Homer he is back in town -. Your Dad took him to the country with him. Of all days for Howard & I to go shoppin' was today because it rained all day. We are fixing up the apt. for "Baby". Having the mattresses done over and painting nearly everything in the house. In the evening we went out to Charity's. Uncle Homer showed us the Mexican Jewelry he bought on his trip -. The darndest bunch of junk you ever saw -. hmm. They served egg-nog -. We - your Mom & Dad & Howard & I went to the show - "The Desert Song" You know me I always fall in love with the lovers - heroes -. This is the second show your Mom has gone to see since we got the news about you -. She is doing better all the time - bless her heart -. |
Friday, March 10 |
The morning paper is full of news -- the Marines advancing on New Britain - Berlin is hit again - No rest for Berlin. Mother phoned me I had better come to Big Spring as soon as possible that D.J. had a sore throat and high fever -. I rushed down to your Mom's to borrow a suitcase D.J. had mine. Yes - what would we do without Dear ole' Brothers suit case. I borrowed it and caught the 12:45 bus for Big Spring. When I got there she was better. I cut D.J. a dress out and sewed until 11:00 -. V.J. & I are making Dorothy J- & Judia dresses alike. I wrote Howard to let him know how our baby was -. Well - I'm dead tired tonight. So - so long ole pal -. |
Saturday, March 11 |
Saturday - Oh! what a beautiful day but the wind is all they say it is in March. I finished baby's dress today it sure is cute -. I can't wait to see she & Judia all dressed-up alike. Back at home Howard, Jim, your Mom & Dad were at the air port they thought Roy might fly over but he didn't. V.J. came by to leave Judia with your Mom but naturally she wasn't home - so V.J. left her with Mrs. Riddle. V.J. was on her way to Angelo -.. |
Big Spring, Tex. Mar. 7th '44 Dear Howard:-
This is about all Alexander remembered well enough to talk about. Since Mrs. Faulkner had no word of his rescue I am awful afraid there is a mistake in the name or something. Love From Us All, Dad |
1st LT. R. Martin Marine Aircraft, SO PAC Flight Echelon, c/o F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif. March 7, 1944 My dear Mrs. Kemper,
I can say little of our combat so far. But all aerial opposition has ceased, which makes life for a fighter pilot very dull. However, we are occasionally assigned sweeps against small shipping. These missions are flown at minimum altitude, and we have been able to give a fair account of ourselves. One division forced a ship, similar to our liberty ships, onto the beach and then brought thbombers up to make short work of it. Our living conditions have become quite livable. We can even sed out laundry, which shows that it is quite civilized. We have our own pilot camp, tents with wooden floors, a mess hall with a concrete floor, our own move, and occassionally we get ice cream. Our duties aren't strenuous. They consist mostly of flying, naturally. We usually fly about five hours a day, but only two out of three, and sometimes only every other day. On the days we don't fly we are either on "scramble" alert (take-off one minute after notice). About once every fifteen days each pilot stands the squadron duty, and he is in direct charge of the squadron during his duty. All of our other time is our own. Even on ground alert we can read or write letters or play volley-ball. We have another squadron whose ready room is close to ours and a volley-ball game is very easily started. All someone has to do is say "216 can beat any squadron in the Pacific." The game usually starts about oneminute later, and we usually don't do so well. But it's fun. The artillery is constantly working on the Japs, particularly at night and early in the morning. They usually start just after you get to sleep at night, and again about an hour before dawn. The idea, of course, is to keep the enenmy from getting any rest. But it certainly doesn't help our slumber any either. It's getting quite late and as I have to take-off an hour before sunrise, I must get to bed. Sincerely, Bob D |
Pleasant Hill, Mo March 5th 1944 Dear Mrs. Kemper;- I was just sitting here at home all day and keep wondering if you have heard anything about Our Darlings? Oh don't you hope it is all true about the broadcast etc. We can't hardly figure out what became of all their time, and believe that they did broadcasting from a short wave station out in the jungles somewhere and can't send any word back to the U.S. only that way. We will just have to believe that was them and they are alive and not prisoners of the Japs. We have worried so about them being prisoners and every nite in my prayers I have asked Our Heavenly Father to let us know in some way if Our Darlings were still alive and keep them from becoming Jap prisoners. And I believe all this is a message guided by Our Lord to us "to ask and ye shall receive." Your son really brought hope and cheer to us phoning and we hope he is successful in all is attempts at gtrying to find out more. Lawrence's wife, & his sister believe we will get a letter or cablegram soon from him. We have received 5 of our letters back also a large package of airplane supplies. Lawrence sent us a permit from his commanding officer to send him. We mailed it Nov. 18th, received it back Feb 24th. We thank you for the nice clippings about your son. Several have read them and think he is really a fine brilliant boy and deserves a better brak than being where he can't be more active also doing without the more convisat and friendly surroundings of his home base there in the South Pacific. Aren't you glad tho that he and Lawrence are together in time of dangerous peril. We will always be truly greatful to your son. Yes I am going to see if I can get this group picture of ours reproduced and send you one. Lawrence mailed it from somewhere overseas. We received it Nov.2nd. We know your community is proud of Lt. R. F. Anderson. He is indeed an excellent pilot and really fighting for his loved Pres. and Country. We enjoyed reading the clippings and good luck to all your local boys and May God Bless them & bring them all safely home to the ones they love and their own grand U.S.A. If there are any more interesting clippings about your Abilene Boys, I would love to have them to paste in my scrap book. We are hoping this finds all well in your family circle by now. Please thank your son Howard for us for phoning us and tell him whenever he gets any more news to phone us, collect, any time day or nite. We are so anxious for more definite news. Our daughter Marie sends her appreciation in your friendly interest and untiring efforts in trying to locate our Boys. Hoping to hear from you soon. Your friends Mr. and Mrs. Earl Faulkner |
Rt. 3, Box 91 Chehlais, Wash. March 9, 1944 My dear Mrs. Kemper,
First of all, I'll tell you about Bob Burton. He trained at Pensacola and was in Bill's flight at Melboune. He and Bill became very good friends after Guy left. (If I slip and say Kemper, don't be surprised 'cause we always call him Kemper.) At any rate, he is from Ohio - Cincinatti, I think, and his father is a senior senator from Ohio. I met him in San Diego when he and Bill left for El Centro. He was with 217, Bill's squadron, at El Centro. About a month after Kemper left, Bill called me from the field, and asked me if I could get his gear packed in a half hour. He was being shipped out. It knocked the props out from under me, but I told him that I could get his things ready. But about ten minutes later, he called and said the major had decided to let him stay here since he was married and that they were sending Burton instead. A few weeks later, we had a letter from Kemper saying how sorry he was that Bill had not come on out, because Bob was a replacement for 216 along with two other fellows from Bill's squadron. One of the other fellows was Lt. Basch and I can't think of the other one's name at all. The main reason I remember Basch was because he, Bill and Burton used to fly over our place every morning about seven-fifteen to wake me up. We've not heard from Bob since he joined Kemper's squadron. So, I don't know what became of him. Here's something that may interest you though, our first son is to be named Robert Guy - for Bob & Guy. That's how much we think of the both of them. There is something that has been bothering me. Before Bill left, he came home one day and said, "I sure hope we don't have the luck that 216 had." I asked him about it and he said that 216 had been broken up and they were using the fliers as replacements for other squadrons. However, from what you have said, it sounds as if Kemper's outfit is still intact. Of course, what Bill said might have been just a rumor, but the more I've thought about it, the more I've become puzzled. To be quite frank with you, I've so many conflicting rumors about why and where Bill is, that I'm about to quit this guessing game and just give it up as a bad job. In a letter that he wrote the first day of February, he said, "I'm in the New Hebrides group now. So - you will probably be able to know where I am and what I'm doing." In the letter before that, he had said something about my not worring about him because the spirit of the saints would bring him through. That line of chatter didn't sound a bit like him. So, I figured that he was trying to tell me something. I went over the maps for days, but couldn't grasp what he meant until I got the letter saying he was in the New Hebrides. I looked that up on the map and found Espirito Santos. That sounds so much like spirit of the saints that I felt sure that was where he was. I wrote him what I had decided, but before he had time to get my letter, I had another one from him saying he was released from the hospital, would rejoin his squadron and go to Kemper's old stomping grounds. That last bit of news is what made me think he was being moved. After he got my letter saying I thought he was on Espirito Santos, he wrote his family saying that I knew where he was. I thought, by that, he meant that I knew where Kemper had been. But since I got your letter this morning, I've thought about it and decided that he meant Espirito Santos. Really, there are so many possibilities that it makes my head spin. Thanks so much for the clipping. I had read about it in the Corpus paper - the Caller - Times. However, I didn't attach much importance to it at the time, except that there was a fellow named Radosevich mentioned and I knew or thought he was in Guy's squadron. I believe it was the same article. I'm not at all sure. I do remember seeing pictures of six or eight Marines, Rudy (Radosevich) being one of them, and also of reading about the Bulldogs and their recent exploits. I do wish I could remember it, but as it wasn't about Bill's outfit, I just read it and forgot it. However, if you'd like to know more about it, you could write the Caller-Times, explain as much to them as possible, and I'm sure they'd be glad to send you a clipping. So far as I know, Bill's squadron has no nickname. His address is: VMF-217, Flight Echelon, FMAW, c/o Fleet P.O., San Fran. Some of the men in his squadron are: Major J.M. Miller, his wing leader, from Pensacola, Lt. Bill Hasch, from Gulfport, Miss, Lt. Quisenberry - I don't know his first name or where he is from. Those are the three that Bill lives with. They are also theones he flies with. some of the others are: Captain Wojik, Major Reed - the skipper of the squadron, Major George Bonnet, from New York City, Lt. John Rooney, from Columbus, Ohio, Lt. Richard Sowders from Longview, Wash., Lt. Phillip Hammond from Colorado, Lt. Mulligan, from Brooklyn, Lt. Trapnell, Lt. W.P. White, from Minneapolis, a Lt. Morgan from Idaho, Lt. Jack King (now missing) from Longbeach, Captain John Hinch, Lt. E.W. Shugert, from Ft. Workth - I think he was in 217, I'm not sure - Lt. Mercer Smith, and Captain Penfield, from Hollywood. Of course, there are loads more, but those are the only ones I knew very well. I'm such a dope about names. I've sat here all day and those are all I can think of. If you see anything about any of them, please let me know. Incidentally, do you have any extra pictures of Guy - some that perhaps you have two prints of. I know how much those pictures mean to you now, but Bill and I don't have any picture of him at all and we'd both be so very grateful for one. No, I didn't know the Major you mentioned. I knew very few of the fellows in Guy's squadron. You see, I didn't get to El Centro until the 20th of August and it was so hot then that we stuck pretty close to home for awhile. It was about 8 miles out to the base and we had to go on the bus. So, we didn't go out there often. By the way, there's a picture of Radosevich on 219 in the Slipstream. He was in their flight at Kingsville. You've probably heard of Kemper speak of Captain Sims. He was their instructor while they were at Kingsville. Then he was put in 217, but a few weeks before they sailed, he had an accident, on the ground, and broke a leg and an arm. Well, it's beginning to look as if I'll never find an end to my rambling. I do wish we were nearer to-gether, so that I could see you and we could have a long talk. I feel like we have so much in common. Bill is on leave in Australia now. So I probably won't get any mail for a week or two. The best news I've had yet is that if all continues to go as it has, he will be back before next Christmas. Do let me hear from you again. I enjoy your letters so very much and let me know if you hear anymore about Guy. Affectionately Doris P.S. How is Guy's little niece? I've heard an awful lot about her. She must be precious. Doris |
Sunday, March 12 |
Dorothy Jean was a lot better so I let her go to the show with Dorothy, Margarite (Reed), Stormy & Mary Lane Edwards. These Edwards kids are D.J.'s playmates. Dorothy said everyone was laughing in the show and they thought they were laughing at the picture when she looked around and there D.J. & Stormy were just "KISSING" each other - . D.J. said - "why ever time she started to kiss him he started to kiss her" -. Oh! problem child -!! Wish you were here to add your suggestions -. Your Mom & Dad & Lynn went to Angelo to see Roy -. He was sure glad to see Judia. Judia fell on her arm and nearly broke it - she really cried with it. V.J. came home with them --. Oh! I forgot Nighty night! |
Monday, March 13 |
Mother helped me cut out me a new dress -. I nearly got it finished too -. Its a sailor dress & D.J. is going to have one like it. I guess I shouldn't have let D.J. get out yesterday because she has been sick all day. In the afternoon she just lay in bed - burning up with fever -. I really did work on her to try to get it down. I may have to call the Dr. if she doesn't get better. Back at home Judia was still complaining of her arm - hurting so V.J. took her to the Dr. He thought at first it was broken but he said it wasn't & put a splint on her arm. V.J. really has worried about her arm -. And as D.J. said her prayers she ended with God bless Uncle Guy - Amen. |
Tuesday, March 14 |
Baby wasn't any better today so I had to take her to the Dr. He took one look at her throat and said she would have to have her tonsils out. It's the first time in her life she has ever had a sore throat so I thought - maybe she could get by without it -. She will probably have to have them out before she starts school -. Yes - just imagine this fall she'll be 5 years old then the next fall she starts to school -. Gosh! I sure hate to see her grow up -. I've sure enjoyed her as a baby and little girl. --. The violets are in bloom and are perfectly beautiful we picked some and took them to a sick friend. I love Spring don't you? Maybe you will enjoy next Spring more - we hope so. |
Wednesday, March 15 |
Today is the big headache for a lot of people and at the same time a big relief -. Get me? Today is the last day for income tax. We got out light - the government owes us instead -. Pretty good! Huh? Back at Home - guess what? Yes sir, the stork came over our house today to leave Dorothy Jean's baby sister she's been praying for and she wasn't home so they left it next door -. Anyway we had to tell D.J. something we couldn't have her lose faith -. Howard, Your Mom and V.J. stayed at the airport all morning waiting for Roy -. No luck -. So - They came home. In the afternoon Howard & V.J. sat in the rumble seat of ye ole Packard watching airplanes. There's nothing like a good crick in your neck & sore eyes from the bright sunshine. P.S. Roy didn't come over. |
Thursday, March 16 |
Gosh! One of those beautiful days -. We got Mother to get out of the house a while -. We made her go riding too. My poor Mom hasn't been well for a couple of months - it really worries me. You might know - ole puny - is taking a sore throat. Yes - I guess it's my turn, D.J.'s had hers -. She is a lot better. Did I tell you the darn Japs are putting up a last fight on Bougainville. They are trying to knock Torokina Field out & the fighting is taking place not far from the air strip. However, we have their supply line cut so maybe it won't last long. Back at home the folks didn't do much of anything except look & listen for Roy -. I am just wondering about you tonight - wonder where you are and when we will hear -. Hope you are in good health. |
Friday, March 17 |
I never did tell you this so I will today since there is no news around here. It seems it was around the 16th of Jan. that you were captured by the Japs. Rather on that date I couldn't sleep - I woke up and just caught myself trying to help you --. It seems you had been forced down and had been in the jungle since you were shot down on the 19th and some Japs came near you. They thought they heard someone and stopped -- and looked -- there you were in a neat looking flying suit laying as near the ground as possible. I have wondered many times just how - when and where you were captured. So long 'till tomorrow -. |
Saturday, March 18 |
Guy, did you ever get homesick - huh - I'm sorry - I'll bet where ever you are right now you are home sick - well I am too -. So - I just phoned Howard to come get us. I wish it were that easy for you -. He's coming as soon as he checks in the drivers. Dorothy, Marguarite (Reed) & the kids & I went to the park and played like the rest of the kids -. We got splinters but I won't say where -. When we came home I know half of Big Spring decided to come to see us. Mother's house is just like Grand Central Station. Back home, V.J. went to see Roy. She called him soon as she got to town and he had been confined. She had to catch the next bus home. This week Roy starts blind, instrument, and formation flying. |
Cisco Texas March 13, 1944 Dear Maude:
Oh yes before I forget to tell you, I dreamed about my precious baby last night but she had shrunk up. She was just sitting alone and had a diaper. i knor I had to change on in my dream. I had her in my lap and I didn't have a tub handy. Ha Ha. And to think - I tho't she was a big girl now. How did she like her paper dolls? I tho't the girl on the back with the dark hair reminded me of Dorothy. Well anyway kiss my baby for me and tell her GrandMa or Mother Ikie sure loves her. I had a letter from Jean and she asked me if that woman didn't say we'd hear more about Guy by the 20th of Feb. Well she said we'd hear more about it and you did. You heard from that fellow that was with him. And that's all that's possible to hear unless he's found or escapes. And I hope if he's alive he doesn't try that for only a few succeed. I have been back to see her and she says we will see him again and that you'll hear from him through a woman - a WAVE or a WAC or a Red Cross nurse and she's sure it's the nurse - anyway it's a woman and that he will come home again. I'll tell you all about it when I come up but the above just about covers everything. She mentioned the prison camp again and she tells so many I'm sure she didn't remember just what she had told me. People come from everywhere to have her give them readings. I wonder if Howard ever stopped. br>... Oh yes we have bought the place - paid the Flemings cash. We're handling it through the Bank so we're through with the Flemings and Miss Maggie can't say we live in one of their rent houses. It's not swell but it's home and C.L. is 56 yrs old and Marie's gone so we don't need anything that will take everything we make for taxes. This will cost enough. We had to buy something somewhere, for people there in Abilene were buying up every house they could and moving them to Abilene. If you wanted a place to live you just had to buy. Tell Jean I'll try and answer her letter sometime between now and Christmas. If not I'll send her a Xmas Card. Ha. Ha. No fooling I did enjoy hearing from her and I think she's very sweet and I love her. I always have. Give Pistol Packin Mama and Shoo-Shoo-Baby my love and a big kiss. Maude, I know you are being brave and you must keep on for I feel sure you'll be rewarded. God is more powerful than all the Armies in the world and we must trust him and know he does answer our prayers And that Guy is ever in his presence. Worlds of Love Ida Mae |
Sunday, March 19 | ||
Yesterday was a beautiful day but --- the dear Texas weather must change - yes this morning it is honestly nearly freezing outside. Howard arrived at 7:00 half frozen - he was just too lazy to put his overcoat on -. We left Big Spring at about 10:00 - that morning Howard had to get back to check in -. The lilacs are in full bloom and beautiful - so I picked a big bunch for your Mom -. She liked them too -. You might know rain or shine your Dad went to the country. We stayed all afternoon with your Mom-. She doesn't look well - to me. I guess she needs rest -. The big news today is - Fear Nazis will inundate Holland to slow put Invasion of Allies -. Those darn Nazis are not human. I must stop - for now -. Good bye - aren't you glad -? | ||
Monday, March 20 | ||
Oh! What a day – but the kind I like -. I worked like a dog -. I put up new Bates curtains & the woman at Minters phoned me my bed spread like them had come in – so was I ever thrilled -. Your Dad phoned about noon to say he & you Mom were going to Cisco -. Howard received a package back today that he had mailed you -. The first package to come back. You could never guess what Howard brought Dorothy Jean today -. A puppie. The cutest white & brown spotted pup you ever saw and fat as a butter ball -. Just a Heinz Dog – you know 57 varieties -. In the evening V.J., Judia & Lynn came over to see the pup -. Howard developed pictures all night -. I couldn't take it so I went to bed -. | ||
Tuesday, March 21 | ||
I woke up early and looked out – guess what – the darndest rain storm you ever saw -. Oh! This weather. One of my neighbors called me crying said she was sick – so I called the Dr. and took her via taxi to his office -. He fixed her up – then I came home – fixed dinner and we all dressed and headed for the air port -. Oh! I forgot to say the rain storm blew over – it's clear now -. Everyone looked for your Mom but no could find – I guess she remained in Cisco. V.J. Judia, Mrs. Fox, Uncle Charlie, Howard, D.J., Jim, & I all greeted Roy as he landed at the air port -. He got to stay about 15 min. -. You know your Dad – we couldn't find him to go to the air port either. Wish you could have landed there today, too -. | ||
Wednesday, March 22 | ||
I got up early – cleaned house and made two chocolate pies -. And they were a mess – honest. I don't know why I keep on trying to cook – I can't. You know Howard tho – he ate them -. I went to see my Great Aunt my Great Uncle died about a week ago in the afternoon. I went by your Mom's and she was really sick because she missed seeing Roy -. Say, I forgot to tell you when Howard developed pictures the other night he really made some good ones of Roy in an airplane. I've never seen a better picture of Roy -. Your Mom is really proud of all the good pictures Howard has made for her -. He's really getting to be good. | ||
Thursday, March 23 | ||
Guy isn't it awful to write this junk down everyday – when really I don't have anything to write about -. I forgot to tell you Uncle Homer went Home one week ago today – and left a job for your Dad to do -. He told him to buy him about 250 young hogs & ship them to him -. Your Dad is about to work himself to death – hunting hogs – to buy -. I went down town with V.J. and we shopped -. Then we went out by her Mother's and sewed all afternoon. Howard started looking for us – just as D.J. &I caught a bus to come to your Mom's -. Honestly, he really loses his temper when he can't find us right off -. He came down to your Mothers – just boiling mad. Oh! My – it isn't the first time -. | ||
Friday, March 24 | ||
You could never guess what I did today -. I canned a 9 lb. Pumpkin -. It really is a pretty day -. D. J. & Skippie the pup played out all day -. D. J. got sunburned a little too that's how hot it was. I had said fried chicken sure would taste good this summer to Howard just yesterday -. Well, here he came today with 26 baby chicks & feed – everything to care for them. I just love chickens anyway so I don't mind at all -. D.J. really was thrilled -. I forgot to tell you – your Mom went to the club yesterday. I think she's glad she has started getting out going a little. Well, I put my 26 babies & D. J. to bed – so I must say nighty night – P.S. – the pup, too -. | ||
Saturday, March 25 | ||
It was sure hard to get Howard up this morning – he developed pictures again last night and he was sure pooped this morning.
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kemper:- We were so glad to get your recent letter, and thank you a lot for the newspaper clipping about Lieutenant Hughes. We feel like if they all had such an experience and finally came back, there is still hope for our Boys. None of us who are left at home can realize what all of our Boys are enduring for our sakes. There are times when my hopes for our Boys safety is almost gone. But I try to pull myself together and pray to our heavenly Father to help me keep up Faith & Hope that we will again see our loved ones. Your granddaughters sure
Our grandaughter's name is Alice Marie Rhodes. My name is also Marie. We really are repeating the name Marie, but her father insisted on the name and she is named for both grandmothers, as Mrs. Rhodes name is Alice. The grand-Baby subject is a very delightful one to me. But on second thought it could be a very boring subject except to us grandmothers, don't you agree? -- Our son-in-law is expecting to leave for the service sometime in April and our daughter & baby will come home for the duration. They have a nice home about 6 blocks from us. They will rent it out. She will stay in her own home but she's not well, (expecting in July) so her husband & us tho't it would be better for her to come home. We are moving out of two rooms & letting her light-house-keep. We have a large house (8 rooms 5 of them 16 ft. X 16 ft. -). All this is planned in case he passes all examinations. It seems like I don't know much news. We appreciated you copying the letter from Lt. Martin, it was very interesting. Write again when ever you have the time. Sincerely Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner P.S. Here is a clipping that appeared in the K.C. Star after an interview with Lawrence's wife. |
Sunday, March 26 |
I got up early and made two pumpkin pies. I dressed D. J. up in the cutest blue gaberdine dress, white bonnet, pink coat & white shoes – yes sir, Howard, D. J. and I went to church. I changed my church membership to this church today -. I had quit mentioning to Howard to join – so he sat all alone while D. J. and I marched down to the pulpit. After the service, I met lots of people coming out of the church – we passed the church Honor Roll – there were Roy's and your names there -. Howard said – I came down and told Dr. Haymes I would join the church next Sunday -. I nearly jumped up with joy but I couldn't let on. I was so thrilled for fear he might change his mind. |
Monday, March 27 |
Your Mom phoned. Your Dad was going to Cisco and wanted to know if Dorothy Jean wanted to go with him. Yes, sir – so I dressed her and ran down there to your Mom's -. She left at 12:00 -. She and Aunt Ikey went all over town and she sang for everyone. She & Ikey dyed Easter eggs -. On their way home, your Dad stopped in Baird and bought 208 baby chicks -. Now, V. J. & I shopped all day -. Late in the evening, we met a friend of V.J.'s and went to the show. We got out kinda late – then took the girl home on the bus. Talk about one mad person – that was Poppie Howard -. He knew we were going to the show but he didn't want us out so late -. D. J., Judia, V. J., & the 208 baby chicks spent the night with your Mom & Dad -. |
Tuesday, March 28 |
This is the coldest darn day – oh! and yesterday was hot. It's supposed to freeze tonight. I went down early to see about D. J. and V. J. & Judia had gone home -. Your Mom had been sick all night and was in bed when I got there. Her stomach is upset -. Richard came in yesterday about noon. He and Jerry came by to see your Mom. I got a letter from Mother. Horace is coming in today for a 5 day furlough – hope he isn't sent right back overseas. I made Roy a batch of fudge last night and mailed it to him today – I bet he will be surprised. Howard, Richard, Jerry, D. J., & I ate dinner out & developed pictures til 11:00. Jerry went home and D. J. & I went to bed -. Your Mom made Richard & Howard a pineapple pie -. We all enjoyed it. |
Wednesday, March 29 |
Richard and Howard worked til 8:00 this morning. It got down to 24° last night. And Saturday it was 96. Some weather! D. J. got a package from my Aunt Mink today – it was a story book that was John Jr.'s – it was real nice. I had to read some to her. I got a package from home -. Howard had left his wedding ring up there -. He takes it off every time he washes his hands - he's going to lose it yet -. I haven't lost a single baby chick so far – Your Mom has lost 3 – pretty good to have so many – huh? Jerry & Richard came by for a few minutes tonight. He has 5 days off – he's going to South Carolina and then overseas -. I sure hate to see these boys leave -. |
Thursday, March 30 |
Today your Mom's club met and had an all day luncheon. She really had a nice time -. Your Mom is having an awful time with her stomach and I think she looks bad -. I'm going to take her to the Dr. if she doesn't get better -. V. J. & I had planned to ask two other girls and play 42 – but decided to go to church instead -. Helen, Ann, V. J., Dorothy Jean & your Mom & I went to church -. It was so very helpful to everyone -. Your Mom wrote Roy and thanked him for a picture he sent her of himself. It sure is good – he also sent us one. Howard carries it around with your picture and shows them to everyone he meets. Howard joined the Chamber of Commerce this week -. I'm glad for him – he loves things like that -. |
Friday, March 31 |
Whoop – did I ever work – today – yes – everything in the place is clean & so is the house. We still have all of our baby chicks – haven't lost a one. And the pup – my, he is growing -. John Henry Mullins' father called Howard and said his son wrote lots about you – but he wouldn't tell him what -. So I phoned Mrs. Mullins and she said I could read the letter so V. J., Judia, D. J., and I went over and to her house and read it. I also copied it so your Mom & Dad could read it -. He just repeated everything that's been said before. Boy, you were really liked by those fellows and your are also missed by all very much -. They haven't for one minute given you up. They think, he says, you are a Jap prisoner. He mentioned about your sax and how they missed hearing you play. God Bless you, Guy and may it be that you can play it again. |
Rt. #, Box 91 March 30 Dearest Mrs. Kemper -
Then too, I've been awfully worried about Bill. I usually average two letters a week, but I didn't hear from him for twenty days. But I finally heard from him yesterday - three letters. He's been in the big battle on Bougainville that started the eighth. According to his letters, it was quite a battle. He said that he slept in a wet foxhole for several weeks. They were shelled and bombed and finally had to evacuate to save the planes. He said that Bob Burton was at one of the bases there. So, evidently, 216 is still on Bougainville. Bill's squadron was move back to Espirito Santo - enroute to Sydney. The letters were mailed the 20th. So - I suppose he is now in Australia on leave. There's nothing particularly spectacular about the article, but it seemed awfully nice and heroic to us. So - I thought you might like to have a copy of it. Thanks so much for sending me the clippings. I'm keeping a scrap book about various parts of the war in the South Pacific. Let me hear from you when you have time. Affectionately Doris |
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