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1944 | 1945 | 1946| Years After | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January - Part 1| January - Part 2 | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October-December | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() The Howard Kempers have a barbecue. Lt. Gerald "Dopey" Anderson stops by and Cousin Frank visits. |
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Howard considers going into the photography business, gets some pointers from local photographer, Mel Thurmond, and purchases a $100 camera. Roy leaves for San Antonio, then stops by for a surprise late night visit. |
Sunday, August 13 | ||
Mrs. Tate came over last eve to spend the night – well – we gossiped 'til 2:00 A.M. – Frank called last night to tell me he was going home -. He wants a car – so he can go & do as he pleases -. He'll just about get one too -. I was puny all night with asthma & felt too punk to go to church today -. Howard came in tired the passengers were soldiers instead of gals -. They all got drunk etc. -. He was glad to get home. James Philips came out and I fixed supper. Howard just purchased a camera from him for $100 bucks -. Oh! I dearly hope he makes it pay for itself -. We may be going into the photography business – in a big way – I hope so -. | ||
Monday, August 14 | ||
A hectic nite – say, Boy – I looked at the clock in the nite to see what time it was & it said – 20 'til 5:00 – now maybe I should have said morning. I was nervous and just couldn't bat off the hrs – and sleep -. Gad – I thought if I have any more company – I'll - - - - - -. So in walks Jerry White. She stayed til one o’clock -. D. J. & I went to bed – then the phone rang all afternoon – Grrrr - - -. Your Mom & Judia Faye didn't go anywhere today just stayed around home -. I got a letter from V. J. – she is sure homesick -. Roy left today for San Antonio – I don't know what for -. Frank called – he went home over the weekend and is tired so he'll remain at the base. Howard is developing pictures -. Nighty nite – my fren -. Jeannie's going to try to get some shut eye -! | ||
Tuesday, August 15 | ||
Howard developed pictures all night -. I got up an finished drying them -. Your Mom stayed in pretty close with Judia –
Wednesday, August 16 | ||
I woke up about 9:00 and D. J. said Howard had just gone to the bus station. Well, I could tell by the looks of things that he had not been to bed -. He went out and delivered some pictures and went to show D. J.'s pictures off they were so good -. My but our child is photogenic (ahem!!!) Future Powers model – ah!!! Proud parents - - - pardon us -. I felt punk all night – it was a hot night – but I slept with a heating pad on my chest & back. I went to a new Dr. Thurman – I had to wait 2 1/2 hrs for my appointment -. Howard stayed up all day studying his pictures – Mr. Thurman gave him some pointers. He slept 'til check in -. He really doesn't get enough sleep – I hope it doesn't break his health. | ||
Thursday, August 17 | ||
That was the first night's sleep in about a month. But I really feel weak & funny today the Dr. gave me some stuff to take & it made me cough -. He gave me a shot – if it doesn't swell up – then he will give me a bunch and this new drug has cured some people. So cross your fingers for me -. Howard made our neighbor's baby picture this morning I hope tis good -. Then he ran into Mr. Culwell downtown this eve you know I think I told you they are getting a divorce and so he wanted Howard to copy a picture of Jerry & His wife -. So Howard is doing that this evening. He's got lots of pictures to print tonight. Your Mom washed today – Judia Faye spent the day with Mrs. Fox -. Your Dad went to the auction sale. Your Mom got a letter from Roy – he's still in S.A -. | ||
Friday, August 18 | ||
Howard worked on pictures all night last nite. I got him up in time to take me to the Dr.'s office at 2:30 -. Then, he went to the bus station. The Dr. gave me a full shot of Hyphlmine the new asthma drug -. Hope it cures 'ittle Jeannie. D. J. & I went by your Mom's and visited with she & Judia Faye. She and Judia rode out to our house on the bus. Howard came in a little bit and we went down and got stuff for chicken nests -. He saw Frank downtown he plans to go home this weekend -. Howard had pictures to work on again so – he plans to stay up all night and get caught up -. I sure hate for him to stay up so much he doesn't get enough sleep. | ||
Saturday, August 19 | ||
Sure enough Howard stayed up all night 2nd night in a row -. He went to sleep early and slept 'til 6:00 PM and he sure needed it. Mrs. Tate came over this morning and helped me clean house. I don't feel so well after the shot – the Dr. gave me. Dopey came in this eve he plans to spend the night with your Mom. James Philips & Howard & D. J. & I ran around town etc. – 'til about 11:30 then we got home about 12:00. The phone rang & it was your Mom at 12:10 – in the night – said she was coming out to see some pictures – phoney!! Sure enough it was – She had Roy with her - ! Yes the little brother. He & Howard & Lynn ginned off to check in -. | ||
Sunday, August 20 |
I woke up & Howard had not come home -. The phone rang it was Howard he had driven Roy & Lynn to Cisco to see Frank. They ate breakfast with your Mom – Dopey came in about 4 AM he ate with them too -. Then he took off for Lawn where his Mom was -. Howard came out here & D. J., James Philips, Dalton Sarrels & I headed for the ranch to make pictures of a little baby donkey! I rode in the rumble seat & got blistered -. We came back and ate dinner with your Folks -. We stayed with Roy 'til he left -. He was sick with his stomach when he left – and couldn't eat any dinner -. Then Six of us James, Dalton & his wife & baby went on a picnic – then looked at color pictures over at the Sarrels – Boy were we tired and ready for the bed. |
Monday, August 21 |
Howard worked on pictures last night so he really slept this morning. D. J. stayed here with Howard and my neighbor while I went to the Dr. I came home & worked around the house all day & Howard went to the bus station. He really made some cute pictures of the donkey -. Your Mom phoned Ikey was here so your Mom & Ikey, Judia Faye, Howard & D. J. – and I all went to Fair Park -. D. J. & Judia went in swimming. Then we took Ikey to the bus station and waited a long time for her to leave -. Finally we left her and came on home so Howard could work on pictures before check in -. |
Tuesday, August 22 |
Same ole story "Poppie" Howard did work on pictures again -. He counted his money this eve that he has taken in on pictures and it's $75.06 pretty good -. I'll be glad when he gets all organized so he can work in the day rather than so late at night -. We took the kids to the park again today. James went with us. Howard made a couple of pictures of D. J. -. Then we left D. J. with your Mom & Dad & Judia to swing. We met them over at Faith's later. Faith is sick and not working right now. Grandmother K – Charity – your Folks were all over there. We came home so Howard could rake in some more cash on picts! |
Wednesday, August 23 |
Howard was supposed to go to Kiwanis today but he was too tired. He's got to get more rest some way -. Your Mom got a letter from Roy – they are still checking him – and haven't found anything yet. V. J. is leaving Mission and going to San Antonio today. Judia Faye really keeps your Mom hoppin' -. She's at that age where she gets into everything etc. -. Your Mom doesn't have an idle moment -. It's a pretty good thing – your Mom doesn't have time to worry about you -. Mrs. Clark called today she's got some more pictures for Howard to do -. She got a letter from Paul today -. Isn't it grand she can hear from him -! Nighty nite Guy – We think of you each day -. |
Thursday, August 24 |
Howard was invited to the Lions Club today but he has been up so much he was just too dead for sleep -. I went to the Dr. and took another shot. Judia Faye spent the day with her Grandmother Fox -. This shot began to make me feel badly – about 2:00 PM and by 9 PM I had to call the Dr. my temp was 101.5° and I seemed to have a chest cold – I coughed spit up – hurt in my chest and back. Howard went and got your Mom to come out and spend the night. They got out here about 12:00 -. This house is a wreck -. I hated like everything for your Mom to have to come out here to such a mess -. Boy, I'm really sick -. |
Friday, August 25 |
Your Mom slept like a baby last night. I'm sure glad – I thought she wouldn't changing beds. I was really sick all night -. The Dr. said this morning for me to remain in bed and take the medicine he sent. Your Mom & D. J. cleaned house – you can imagine how much (help) D. J. was. She played like she was a Red Cross nurse all day. Some helper. Your Dad went to the sale today. Your Mom & I took a good nap -. Howard has gone this evening to make Helen Ann Reynolds Salt's picture & her baby's. I sure hope he has good luck. I guess your Mom will stay again tonight. Nighty Night – Guy -. |
Saturday, August 26 |
Your Mom stayed again last night but I was much better my temp is 100 ° Last night and this morning it fell below normal -. I had to go to the doctor again and take a shot. Your Mom kept D. J. while I went to the doctor. Your Dad came out for dinner. Howard developed pictures last night so he is unconscious today he's asleep -. You Kemper boys – sure have a clear conscience because you sleep so soundly. Helen Ann came over and brought her baby -. Your Mom ironed and cleaned house for me and then went home. Your Dad & Mother too Pap – back to the ranch late in the evening. |
Sunday, August 27 |
It rained this morning pretty hard. Your Dad got 3 inches out at the ranch. I feel pretty weak today but I think I'll be ok. Howard went to check-in and came back and you could never guess what we did -. Nothing, yes sir, D.J. just played around took her usual nap -. I straightened around and Howard lay around on the bed – we had no company nor telephone calls -. Now this is a very unusual thing for us it's seldom we ever have an afternoon to ourselves. Late in the evening just after dark – the phone rang it was James Philips in Hamlin and couldn't get home the bus was loaded & Howard had to go get him – That was the end of our evening. |
Monday, August 28 |
It really rained this morning – I thought goody 'tis a day – I can take a general house cleaning -. On days like this no one would go a visiting -. Just as I was in the middle of everything – knock! knock! A girl friend of mine from Big Spring - She wanted Howard to make her little 2 year old boy's picture. My dear sister spread it around about Howard's photography. And I might add she wants a commission – the worm. We made the pictures then I went shoppin' with her. Gosh! She’s a nervous wreck – she sure let the kids get on her nerves. I came home and finished my house cleaning -. Tis a good thing because James came home with him. |
Tuesday, August 29 |
I dressed early and D.J. & I went to the doctor -. I took another shot -. Whoops! They went up a dollar on me $2.00 now instead of one -. Gosh! at that price they better cure me. I went by your Mom's she plans to make a cake and have Frank come in and eat it. I came home got Howard and he & D.J. & I ate dinner out -. Then after check in we went shopping -. He bought a new jacket & 2 new pairs of pants -. D.J. got a new pair of white shoes -. And I bought groceries – and chick feed -. You guessed it I got them at Thornton's all of it – just like the rest of the country folks. |
Wednesday, August 30 |
This morning Howard woke me up to tell he as a photographer he was a flop! He worked all night trying to make some good prints and didn't have good luck at all. About 7:00 it started raining and it poured down 'til about 2:00. Gosh! I've never seen so much water -. I fixed a real good dinner & H. didn't like it rather he teased me about it. Our color pictures came in and they were sure good of D.J. Mrs. Tate came over and spent the afternoon -. I washed woodwork & made two pies. Howard came home for supper but had to go back. Frank phoned he's leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks to gunnery school. He's coming in town sometime tomorrow he said. |
Thursday, August 31 |
I got up early and ironed then D.J. & I went to the doctor and I went shoppin' for D.J.a bonnet -. I found a dilly $3.50 ugh! Too cute to pass up tho' – so I wrote to my Mom – to get it for her – for her birthday. D.J. and I went by your Mom's – she and Judia were all cleaned up. Your Mom had made a cake and invited Frank in to eat dinner tonight. I took D.J. home so she could get a nap -. Howard said he would pick us up about 6:30 and we would go down and eat supper with Frank. D.J. and I caught the 8:00 bus -. My husband doesn't keep dates too well -. Anyway we all ate dinner together – Then – off to bed – ho hum -. |
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