December 19
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D.J. and James Phillips' birthday cakes D.J. with her birthday 'loot'
D.J. and James Phillips celebrating their birthdays

D.J. celebrates her 5th birthday with Howard's friend, James Phillips from Tennesee. Two birthdays and two cakes! The West Texas Fair opens with a parade.
   September 1-2
Friday, September 1
Hitler was supposed to make a big speech today but he postponed it 'til Sunday -. Say – our boys have crossed the German border -. Finns and their war with Russia – We take Antwerp in Belgium. In the Pacific – we are still advancing. It's of general opinion the war in Europe is nearly over -. Jeannie just made 7 layers for cakes -. See I'm making two birthday cakes. One for James' his birthday is tomorrow too. Howard left early for the bus station -. In the afternoon I took D.J. to the parade it's the opening of the West Texas Fair for 7 days -. Hmm good bus business. I made 7 minute icing for the cakes – I think it took 4 batches -. Wish you were here to eat some – oh! but you have eaten my cake haven't you – pardon me - !
Saturday, September 2
ToDAY is the Birthday of Dorothy Jean
Yes – Miss Kempie is 5 years old today at 9:53 A.M. and she had to wake up with fever. I took her to Dr. Pritchard – I had a million things to do for her – too – poor kid! I had to go to my Dr. too and take a shot – then do some shoppin' – made a freezer of ice cream and decorated the cakes. I had planned a chicken barbecue but because D.J. was ill I decided to just have ice cream   cake - . The Dalton Sorrels, your Mom and Judia, James, D.J. and Howard came out to eat ice cream   cake -. We made pictures of the two cakes   James   D.J. James said he really enjoyed it – you know his home is Tenn. It was 1:00 before I got to bed – and you know I'm not as young as I used to be – I can't take it -.

Horace Garrett, Jean's brother-in-law
Horace Garrett,
Jean's brother-in-law

Horace Garrett, Jean's brother-in-law, may be stationed on Bougainville in the South Pacific. Howard schedules a severely needed surgery. Jean's health problems escalate.
   September 3-9
Sunday, September 3
I had promised D.J. that I would take her to Sunday School – so there was nothing to do but get my tired bones up and take her. We came home and Howard had been up all night and wanted to sleep. So I caught the bus – D.J. and I ate dinner downtown. Then I went up and opened up the office at the bus station so the traffic mgr. could check in -. Then I went down and got your Dad to come open the safe. Your Folks & Judia F. went to the ranch. Howard got up and went to the fair with Dalton & James. D.J. & I took a nap -. D.J. didn't feel well enough to go – around crowds I thought -. I got an air mail special delivery letter from Mildred -. Kenny, Traffic Mgr. brought me $68 company money to keep -. Oh! What a day!
Monday, September 4
Howard, D.J. & I ate downtown for dinner. I just didn't feel like cookin'. I was supposed to go to the doctor but he wasn't in his office so I came home. On the way home D.J. vomited in the car -. Poor kid is not well. I think she's tired and worn out too -. I came home & Howard went to the bus station then to the Fair to make pictures with James Philips -. The Kenny's – he's the traffic mgr. of the bus co. gave Dorothy Jean a doll from Mexico. It sure is an unusual doll -. That makes about 30 dolls now. We took a nap then gathered up things to take to Big Spring – I plan to go tomorrow - . Your Mom came out and visited 'til about 12:00 -. I sure enjoyed her visit. Drat it, I hope I can sleep.
Tuesday, September 5
I got up early – fed the chickens and gave them a pep talk – I hope they lay better today -. D.J. left the water running in the yard all night – gosh you should have seen the river or lake - !!!! Howard took me to the fair grounds about 9:30 – to meet Lane Hudson he is going to Big Spring so D.J. & I bummed a ride. We arrived pulling 4 horses in a trailer about 1:00 -. Mom was so surprised -! Dad had gone on a shoot & Dorothy was in Midland. Oh! Yes your Mom & Judia came out – Your Mom was going to clean my kitchen for me – You see, I’m run down and nearly in the bed from loss of sleep & rest! I got sick with asthma and was sick – 'til late -. Dad had to take me to the hospital for a shot – Then my arm – nearly killed me all night – whatta nite!
Wednesday, September 6
I woke up so weak I could hardly walk – and still sleepy – Mother fixed breakfast – and then I went back to bed and slept – all morning 'til 1:00 -. D.J. feels fine and really has fun playing with the neighbors little dog -. Say it rained all night – and this Sept. breeze really makes it cool -. Dorothy got two letters from Horace -. I guess she will be back tomorrow. We think Horace is on Bougainville. A few nights ago – Howard dreamed about you, Guy, for the first time -. You came home and he cried – and you told him not to -. You walked in with your Dad -. Gosh! wouldn’t it be great if it would come true. Guy, we think of you most every day and pray you are safe & well -. May it be God's will you come home -.
Thursday, September 7
I forgot to tell you Sat. the buses brought in $588 more than they have ever run in the history of the company -. Good, eh? We were all so thrilled. In the afternoon we phoned Dorothy at my grandmother's and told her we were in Big Spring. She raced home in less than an hr. That gal really traveled. I stayed in bed most of the day -. Hurrah! late in the evening I received a package from Howard with pictures and my dope – for your Dopey sister Jeannie! No? Really that stuff I spray my throat with can't be beat! It really does the trick. Jeannie must say nighty nite and sweet dreams -!
Friday, September 8
Say you know the song – "Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps"? Well here's another nothing can stop a good case of asthma. I woke up with the hardest attack of asthma it just wouldn't let up. Dorothy & Dad put me in the car and carried me up to the hospital. The Dr. gave me two shots – and it was almost too much for me -. That dope was so strong. I came home went to bed and – gosh was I ever sick on dope. I was really scared -.
(no entries from September 9 through September 24)
Saturday, September 25
Ho hum! Oh! another day! But what a day - ! Why? Because my little Man spent most of the day trying to make up his mind and pick up nerve enough to see Dr. Pritchard. And by 4:00 in the afternoon he had enough nerve - . It will take place Nov. 7th at Hendricks. Yes – the long waited for operation is going to take place. And he is going to sew him up with silver wire on the inside and leave it in him. He said he thought he would be on the operating table at least an hr. He will have to be in the hospital for 10 or 14 days then remain in bed for a month. Then there will be a month he can't work. My – ! that takes care of Xmas – ! Wish you were here it would mean so much to Howard – . Goodnite!

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